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Sunday, July 14, 2013


                        We Indians have a term for the common man i.e. “Aam Aadmi”; a term I believe that has been much abused and misused and something symbolizing the apathy of the political class towards the general public. I have this great objection to being labeled as Aam Aadmi. I believe that everyone is special in their own right. While the politicians and celebrities are labeled as VIPs and VVIPs and are granted special facilities whereas the rest have to bear the curse of the label “Aam Aadmi” and fight it out for even their fundamental rights and even basic necessities.
            The political class have freely used this label of “Aam Aadmi” and propagated their agendas and displayed how they work hard for the benefit of the “Aam Aadmi”. But the fact remains that even after more than 60 years of independence, most of the people have remained “Aam Aadmi” and haven’t graduated to “Khaas Aadmi”. What’s happened is that the “Khaas” have become even more “Khaas” and the “Aam” has remained “Aam”. The political class has fooled the “Aam Aadmi” and has benefited greatly at their expense. If you haven’t been blind enough then you must have seen clearly that the most of the politicians today come from the political families. Hardly you see a political leader in recent times who has made it on his/her own merit and work. The worst joke of it all is that the Congress party which has for its slogan “Congress ka Haath, Aam Aadmi ke Saath” is a dynasty worshipping party. The Nehru – Gandhi clan still rules the roost within the Congress party. In blatant insult to the democracy, a man who is the Prime Minister of this nation seeks approval from the party president before doing anything. Manmohan Singh appears to be nothing but a puppet of Sonia Gandhi. That man has degraded the post of Prime Minister enormously.  With all the special treatment given to the Gandhi family including the son-in-law Robert Vadra, by the people within the Congress party and the Main Stream Media houses, democracy is dying a silent death.
            Each election period comes with the new promises of how the government is diligently working for the upliftment of the “Aam Aadmi” and how self sacrificing our honourable politicians have been. But the truth is there for the people to see. It’s not the “Aam Aadmi” who is uplifted but the “Khaas”. The proof can be seen from the exponential rise of the assets of the political “Khaas Aadmi” class that’s in the power and their relatives. It does not matter whether the country or the world is undergoing recession; this “Khaas Aadmi” class miraculously finds a way to increase their incomes and assets. So while you remain “Aam”, the “Khaas” is enjoying at your expense.
            I cannot lay the entire blame upon the political class for this state of affairs. The blame also lies equally upon each and everyone of us. The political class has sold you the myth of your being “Aam” and you have accepted it and believed it. It’s become part of the thinking of the common man that he/she is at the mercy of this political class and nothing can be done about it. We have allowed ourselves to become weak. The power to vote hasn’t been exercised diligently. The lack of self-belief has led to the downfall of the “Aam Aadmi”. It’s time that we realize our “specialness”. Yes, you, I and everyone else is special in their own way. Why are you happy with being labeled “Aam Aadmi”? Each and everyone of you is “Khaas”! Realize that! Don’t be fooled by this political class. Don’t bemoan your fate. You have the power to change the current situation and state of affairs. It has to begin somewhere and that somewhere is your self. You cannot keep waiting for someone else to begin. You have to start and start now. Assert your specialness and reject this tag of “Aam Aadmi”. You have as much right over this nation’s resources as the political class. The political class is meant to serve you, not rule you. Your inactivity and lethargy has allowed your servants to become your masters. Its time you show them who the real boss is. Democracy has become a mockery today and its true promise and function will be restored when you and I start acting upon it and not sleep upon our rights and duties. Remember that democracy is “of the people, by the people and for the people”. The tag “Aam Aadmi” has become a curse and its time this curse is repealed.
            Like Swami Vivekananda said : “Arise, Awake and Stop Not Till The Goal is Reached!”

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