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Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Secret of the Prosperity of Ancient Hindu Civilization

          From the ancient scriptures and histories and even mythology we get a glimpse of the great prosperity of the ancient Hindu Civilization. One will surely wonder what the secret was behind this prosperity which was sustained throughout the centuries where the other contemporary civilizations collapsed and went into obscurity.  Historians have given varied reasons from the availability of the fertile lands and natural resources and so on and so forth. But I will proceed on a different ground altogether; one which you may choose to believe and apply or reject without applying.
             We know that the Hindus worship numerous deities representing almost every known and unknown energy in this Universe. Some have said that is pure superstition and ignorance on the part of the Hindus. But before these people congratulate themselves on their “intelligence” let me remind one and all that the Hindus are the ones who have given the world the highest philosophy of “Advait Vedanta” – the highest Monism. So why the worship of so many deities? Well the Hindus consider that everything in this Universe is the expression of that one Infinite God and since this finite mind cannot conceive of the Infinite, they worship this Infinite God in all forms. The worship of the different forces of the nature is their way of expressing gratitude to those forces. Every activity of the Hindus began and ended with this expression of gratitude. Gratitude is what keeps the flow of abundance running. By continuous expression of gratitude, the ancient Hindus kept this flow of abundance running. This was the great secret behind their immense prosperity.
             By invoking the various forces of the nature like the sun, earth, fire, water, air etc. and expressing continuous gratitude to these forces and through it to the Infinite One, the masses attuned themselves to these forces and kept the balance of the forces of the nature. Abundance was therefore a foregone conclusion. The Hindus knew the law of attraction and used it to their advantage. The Secret wasn’t a secret then.
         Over the period this very knowledge was turned into a “Secret” and the various rituals cloaked in the garb of “fear” instead of “love”. Slowly the degeneration started and the mindless rituals took the place of the knowing and loving worship. The knowledge of the law of attraction forgotten and this great civilization started a slow but sure journey towards exploitation and poverty. This degeneration saw the rise of rigid caste system and exploitation of the weaker sections of the society. The women who enjoyed great freedom in the heyday of Hindu civilization were now forced into subjugation. This accumulated bad karma led this great civilization being ruled and oppressed by the Muslim invaders and rulers and the British Imperialism. The effect of law of attraction reversed.
              What we are witnessing now worldwide with the increasing violence and rise of natural calamities in the recent years is the result of the humanity being in out of tune with the forces of this Universe. What we can learn from the ancient Hindu Civilization is the respect for these forces of Universe and expression of continuous gratitude towards them. What’s required is the continuous expression of love rather than fear. Everything that is, is an expression of the Infinite One. Let’s express our love, respect and gratitude for it continuously and pave the way for a better world.

Thank You All!

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