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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Forget Religion, Be Human First!

The depravity of religious fanatics knows no bounds. The barbaric attack and massacre of school children in Peshawar is a world tragedy and not just Pakistan's. The world has far too long been a mere spectator to the gruesome atrocities and killings in the name of religion. There are terrorists who carry out the massacres like the Peshawar tragedy and then are the closet terrorists who justify such acts. There's no difference between the two. One carries out the act, the other helps in perpetrating such acts further by justifying them. It's high time now Islam begins reformation from within. Terrorists have highjacked Islam in the name of jihad. Progressive muslims cannot just sit and watch and allow this to continue. They need to come out and speak up openly against such acts. They need to counter this philosophy of violence put forward in the name of Islam. It needs to come from within Islam itself for it to have any good long term effect.
Now if you think I'm speaking up against the violent version of Islam alone then wait, I haven't finished yet. For I'm speaking against every kind of religious fanaticism which perpetrates a philosophy of violence. The Peshawar tragedy also brought another kind of depravity to the surface. I came across people so depraved that they felt happy that such a tragedy befell Pakistan. I read a tweet which called this tragedy as God's revenge upon Pakistan. Really? Is this the God that you worship? If so then I would rather kill such blood thirsty God myself than call Him a God, much less worship such a God. O Hindu religious fanatics, those are innocent children that have been killed. Atleast feel for those children before making such dastardly comments. I find no difference between you and those justifiers of talibanis and ISIS. You both justify depravity in the name of religion. Hindu religion which stands for tolerance and harmonious co-existence is being maligned by this new breed of Hindu fanatics who are nothing more than the imitators of the non tolerant aspect of medival Islam and Christanity. You do more harm to your religion and coreligionists than you benefit them. It's time to weed out the fanatics and fanatic ideologies out of all the religions. Be human first and then you can be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jew etc. in your private life. Unless we realise that we are humans first, the situation isn't going to change much. Are we all forgetting that none of us knew our religion, caste, nationality etc. when we took our first breath. These human made divisions need to be reconsidered. The future generations will seek answers from us. Are we going to stand and watch? Unless you and I speak out against this growing religious fanaticism, these fanatics will continue to misguide others. Let's be human first. Let this religion of humanity and loving coexistence takeover from the bigotted fanatics of all religions. Love makes us human. If you doubt it then just see a mother with her newly born child. Life beings with love. That's the only religion which a child knows. Let adults too now remember the religion of love which they knew as a child. Only then this world will be better and safe place and only then there will be no Peshawar like brutality again. Again and again my heart goes out to the innocent children who lost there lives when it had hardly begun and to those poor little ones who lived through this horror only to find many of their friends gone forever. The pain that must be searing through the hearts of the parents who lost their children must be greater than any pain caused by any weapon. Hope that those children didn't die in vain. Hope that humanity awakes and buries religious fanaticism forever!

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