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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Tweets on Hinduism - 25th April 2012

On seeing the response to my tweets on Hinduism today, I decided to compile them all and post it here on my blog. Here all my tweets about Hinduism today. Proud to be a Hindu!

My tweets on Hinduism - 25th April, 2012:

No one can ever say that he knows all about Hinduism. It's almost impossible. Hinduism is much more vast & diverse than one can imagine.

The current visible form of Hinduism is the result of many changes and reforms carried out throughout the long history of this nation.

Hinduism recognises that there are different paths to the ONE! Every sect therefore finds recognition under Hinduism. This is truly secular!

In fact, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism were reformist movements. Although now seen as independent religions there is an underlying unity.

Before the muslim invasion in India, people of different beliefs lived in peace side by side. Philosophical debates were the order of the day.

With the arrival of muslims, started the forcible conversions at the point of sword. Intellectual debates gave way to brute force.

A glorious culture found itself being corrupted by the barbarous muslim tribes. With muslims came the worst period in Indian history.

Religions having their birth in the Indian soil have an inherent tolerance in them & they recognise the other's right to believe differently.

The inherent defect in the muslim & christian religion is in the fact that they believe theirs is the only way to God & rest all are damned.

That's where Hinduism or properly called 'Sanatan Dharma' excels. It recognises that there different paths to reach the same destination.

Taking into consideration the ancient 'Sanatan Dharma', every religion, every sect will find shelter under one roof of 'Sanatan Dharma'.

The problem with modern hinduism too seems to be in aping the muslims in being intolerant and becoming hate mongers.

Hindus need to remember that by demonising other religions you are gaining nothing. Instead be proud of being hindu & spread that pride.

Having pride in being Hindu doesn't mean to keep on wasting energy in hating other religions. That way you will alienate your own people.

First & foremost need is to educate the Hindus of their own glorious culture and superior philosophical & intellectual thoughts.

Hinduism isn't only the superficial rituals of the priestly class or the blind following of so called 'babas'. It's much more.

Let Hindus learn the glorious philosophy of Vedanta and they will find the modern quantum physics paling in front of it.

The modern science 'discovered' & started speaking of atoms, molecules, energy, waves etc. Of which our ancient sages spoke long back.

Albert Einstein gave us theory of relativity, then what else is the doctrine of 'Maya' given to us by our sages?

Aeroplanes are thought to be modern inventions, then what was the 'Pushpaka Vimana' mentioned in the Ramayana?

The more you will learn about the glorious past of this nation & level of knowledge amassed by the sages of past, the more proud u will be!

Hindus, think for your self. You need not be fooled by the pseudo secularists. Learn more about your own religion & you won't be fooled.

Tales of past need not be pure myths. Although somewhat modified & corrupted with time, they do contain some hidden truth. Search for it.

As blind faith in religion is not good, so is blind disbelief in it not good. Open your eyes & see the truth wherever you can.

Hinduism contains everything for everyone. To each his own. A path to suit every temperament. Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja, Laya etc.

Hindus, be proud of being Hindu. Learn more of your own glorious religion. It doesn't consists of mindless rituals as we are made to believe.

Hinduism is but above all in its vast intellectual and philosophical glory. Dissect the rituals, trace them to their origin & u will know!

Read about the lives of the glorious sages of the past & u will find that not 1 was a product of blind faith but of sincere search for truth.


My sincere thanks to everyone who read these random musings of mine. And thanks a lot to the tweeples who retweeted my tweets! Glory to you all!
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